Monday, April 03, 2006

Today was not the day to... a kite!

It was VERY cold today! I thought it was supposed to be a beautiful warm day. The kids had been pinned up in the house basically all weekend. So I planned an outing to Centennial Park to fly kites today. That was NOT a good idea.

The kites didn't get off the ground for more than a few seconds. Also, Austin freaked out. He told me to put his kite in the car, because he didn't want it to fly away. He didn't want anyones kite to fly away!

Anyway, I still got a few cute pictures to share.

Oh by the way, Ashley saved Mason's life yesterday. She looked around the corner and told him not to put the key in the electrical outlet. Thank God, Greg was right there to hear it and catch him before he did that!


Dana said...

Wow - you were still able to get some very cute pictures!

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Ashley...Little Mommy

Jann Gray said...

I want to go flying kites! What a great idea...just not a great day!~ WOnderful pics anyway. Praise God for the wisdom of Ashley!