Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Good news

I'm really tired so I'll try to make this quick.

I'm EXCITED I just got diagnosed with sleep apnea today. I've known for some time, but I finally got the diagnosis today. I need to go back to the sleep clinic and sleep there with a CPAP machine on, and then I will be on my way to feeling tons better.

So when I saw the doctor today to interpret my sleep study he told me that:

1. I woke up every 3 minutes
2. That I stopped breathing 21 times every hour
3. That I went into each sleep cycle, and I had apnea in each cycle
4. And that I only went into REM sleep one time. He said I am very REM deprived.
5. He said the CPAP machine is the only thing that can help me. That surgery wouldn't even help.

I can't wait to get this machine and start being able to sleep. Speaking of I'm about to fall asleep right now.

But I have a few more things to say if I can stay awake.

Yesterday, we went to Braxton and Dalton's birthday party. They got a new swing set so the kids climbed and played on that. And they had a ton of fun with bubbles. (mainly dumping the bubbles and putting their hands in it.) The kids helped decorate the cakes and they got to paint frames. (How cool is that?) The kids had pizza and the adults had yummy Famous Daves barbecue.

Today Nana flew in from St. Augustine to visit. So I took advantage of having another adult here to teach the kids Candyland. It didn't go well at the beginning. They each wanted to pick their color. So they were upset if they didn't get the color they wanted. Here is a great picture of the "Candyland pout". After Greg had a talk to her, she came down and they played another game. They really did very well. We had to watch to make sure they went in the direction they were supposed to go though.

(shoot I had 4 more pictures to put on but Blogger is being Stubborn and won't let me... so off to bed I go) goodnight!

1 comment:

Jann Gray said...

Wow...that is wonderful news about the diagnosis...but bless your heart for suffering with it for so long. I hope you get the machine soon...and LOTS of rest.

Ok...I am with Ashley -- I want to pick my colors....