Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My Children...


Can you hear that screaming at your house? I certainly wouldn't be surprised!


Jann Gray said...

Hmmmm....but screaming means they aren't throwing up....right? *smile* Hope everyone is feeling better at your house. Hang in there friend.

the parents said...

what's that? we can't hear you over our 3.

Dana said...

I think the boys are answering your kids calls...

Jann Gray said...

Hey Chelle:

I saw this thing in a catalog that is supposed to give you overnight relief from Plantar Facilitis.

the website is

Item # 277533

It is a kind of "boot" that holds your foot in the proper position to stretch the tendon that is causing the problem. Don't know if it works -- but it might be worth a "check it out."

Hope the kids are better...and want your foot to be feeling better real soon too