Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Embarrassing moment

On our way home from coloring Easter eggs today my daughter informed me she had to go to the bathroom. I said can you wait 'til we get home? NO!, she answered. I said OK, as I am going down a long stretch in the street where I just don't know where to stop. She says, "Pee pees are coming out." So I quickly called a friend that I haven't seen in months, since we were close to her house.

First of all I thought they had one of those answering machines that says Hello? Hello? Anyone there? because it sounded like an answering machine. But when I said this is Chelle, he repeated my name back to me. So I thought I better start talking. Anyway, I asked if my daughter could use their bathroom. They said sure come over, it will be nice to see you. So I get there in time thank goodness and they are having a party. HELLO? I was so embarrassed. I felt like I was crashing it. So I sheepishly said thank you. And she asked if we wanted to stay for dinner. Oh yes, like I'm going to come into their house use their restroom and eat with them on the spur of the moment.
I laughed and said no, but thanks for letting us stop by.

Then on the way out. Her twin boys were on the porch watching us leave. And they said, "Are you going?" I said, "Yes, we just stopped to use the bathroom". Then they said, "Oh OK well you can go in our grass." LOL!

Lovely potty training moment.

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