Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Third Round!

This has been a yucky week.

Ashley got sick on Saturday night. So we were up all night long with her.
We missed church on Sunday.
Sunday night was terrible terrible weather. We prayed no one would get sick. I was afraid we were going to be stuck in the hallway in close quarters and have a sick child. But God spared us from the bad weather and a sick child!-But we were up all night with the weather.
Then early early this morning Mason comes to our bed and is sick. And then we were up the rest of the night with him.

In the morning I didn't think i could make it. Greg took Ashley and Austin to the doctor. (Ashley is hurting when she goes to the bathroom.) He had to get a urine sample from her. I'd like to say I'm glad it wasn't me, but I really feel for him. That must have been awful. And I stayed home with sick Mason. The good thing is that I got to sleep when he slept. It was a "relatively" peaceful day.

So about 6:00PM Mason is feeling well and at 8:00PM Round 3 begins. Austin is sick now. I'll be taking the first shift, by trying to sleep in the recliner in their room. Then Greg will take over around 2:00. I need sleep to function.

Greg has a very busy week at work and he needs sleep and prayers to get things accomplished.

Please pray Greg and I don't get this sickness and that it is over with in the morning. Each sickness has lasted about 15 hours. I better go get some rest before we are awakened again.


Jann Gray said...

Oh bless your heart...I am praying for you, Greg and little Austin too! Oh my stars!

Hugs and more hugs for your tired and weary body!

Renee said...

Yikes. Page and I had it a few weeks ago. Donnie was spared. I have already said my prayers of peace and healing in your direction!