Monday, April 24, 2006

I've fallen and I just can't get pigs off the brain?

What a day! What a day! Can you believe they are sick again? UGH! I took them to the doctor today. Ashley has a double ear infection. No wonder she has been acting terrible. I just wish I would have known earlier, but my kids have a high tollerance for pain. And all of them have goopy eyes. YUCK! So they are all on eye medicine and Ashley is on an antibiotic.

So is it a boy thing when they get sick they hang on Mommy and just look pitiful? And is it a girl thing that when they get sick they just get mean? It's been a trying day.

I went to the chiropractor today. I didn't post that I fell down on Friday. Yep! I fell over a box of toys. I couldn't catch myself and I landed on my chest and left side. I am surprised at how much pain I was/am in that I don't have a noticable bruises on my body! I bruise so easily. If a corner of a table is within 2 feet...somehow it jumps out and gives me a bruise. Am I spelling bruise right? It doesn't look right to me. Anyway, I really thought I had broken something on Friday! I heard my neck snap when I fell. And the fall took my breath away. I had a hard time swallowing the first night. I had to cancel scrapbooking on Saturday, which was a HUGE bummer! But I rested all day and I have progressively gotten better each day. My chest and my arms hurt today, but there is nothing the chiropractor can do with those.

Ok I know it's time to go to bed when visions of pigs start going through my head...Why am I thinking of pigs? And one is talking to me and she has a curley wig, her mouth is moving but I have no idea what she is saying. This is very odd..... I better go to bed. Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

Your spelling is right on the mark. I'm proud of your writing. You wouldn't believe how many e-mails I get that are very poorly written.

Hallucinations are bad enough, but I've never heard of pigs. I know you are not Muslim.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that the past couple of days have been so miserable. I hope you and the kids feel better soon. We missed you guys Sunday night.

This is going to sound weird, but I'm glad you have sleep apnea and are getting the CPAP device. Having good sleep helps make life more enjoyable.

Hope the rest of your week is peaceful!

Jann Gray said...

Oh Chelle:

I hate that you fell...and I hate that you continue to be in pain. I am stopping right now to pray for you...that you would be totally healed and will get rest tonight (no pigs! talking or otherwise) and that the kids will feel better tomorrow (not clingy or mean). You are a dear woman and want you to feel 100%


annie said...

I haven't checked your blog lately and oh my!
Glad you will be able to sleep better soon.
Glad you are feeling better.
You sounded in so much pain the other night.
Your children are precious and aren't we both glad we have
Dr. Mary!