Monday, February 27, 2006

Little Shelley

Well most of you know my daughter, Ashley is a spitting image of her Mom. Today, she was standing by a mirror in the Family room and looking up at me. I really got a good glimpse of her and I said outloud to her, "little Shelley". And Mason who was in the room too, looked up at me and said, "big Ashley". I was rolling on the floor laughing!

At the end of the day I was telling Greg this story and Mason helped me tell it. Then Ashley had her little attitude and said, "don't call me little Shelley. I'm not Shelley." We couldn't help but laugh even more. :)

I thought that was pretty clever of Mason to say!

For all you local folks

Hey there! I'm participating in a consignment sale this weekend and I have more stuff than I'm allowed to take. So I am having a pre-sale at my home on Thursday. Email me/comment if you would like to come and I'll give you directions.

I have clothes sized infants to 2T, both girls and boys. Some toys and other baby items.

Bring your friends.

Also, I'm still looking for kid plastic hangers. If you happen to have any that I could have let me know and I'll come pick them up before Friday.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

This is what made me laugh today

This is what made me laugh today! I hope you like it! :)

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Yesterday Greg was cracking my back and the kids wanted to "help". They were getting in Greg's way so he said, "Give Mommy a head rub". This way they would still feel like they were helping. Well my brilliant son, Austin leaned over and rubbed his head on my back. The other two followed suit when we started laughing.

Today was a really great day! We went to the track and as I walked with some of my friends, the kids rode their bikes around. They really liked it and it was such a beautiful day to be outside. Then we headed to Goodwill to drop off 3 bags of STUFF. I've been doing great with my de-cluttering! Then we went to Sams Club to eat lunch. Yep you heard right. They have great pizza and it isn't that expensive for a family of 5. It was really nice to just hang out with the family today. I really had on my agenda to go through the garage and get ready for the POTATO sale next weekend, but that didn't happen. Hopefully, I can do that after church tomorrow.

OH Greg sent me this email last week and it is SO cute. You just have to see it! It is of quad babies laughing!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Birthday surprise

Yesterday, we made a cake for Daddy and took it to his office. The cake said Happy Daddy on it. My battery on the camera was dying so I didn't get many pictures. First we stopped by Best Buy to pick up Daddy's present (Tears for Fears newest album). Aussie found a penny on the floor and said, "look Mommy". I said, "Are you going to put it in your pocket?" He said, "No, I'm going to give it to you to buy me a train." (smile)

On the way to Daddy's office, Mason said, "I'm going to count to ten and get all of daddy's friends to sing with me." I told him he would have to tell all of them to sing. So Ashley yells, "I'm gonna say ALL OF DADDY'S FRIENDS COME AND SING". They were so cute. We got there aound 4:30/4:45 and most of his workmates had left for the day. But the receptionist called Greg down to the lobby and when he got there the kids sang Happy Birthday. It was precious! Then we went back to his office and ate some yummy chocolate cake.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

It's Snowing

Today is Greg's Birthday! Happy Happy Birthday Greg!

Today I went to Scrap It and I made a book for Greg for his birthday and I also made this layout: This layout is of the first snow we had this year. We got just a dusting of snow and all of it melted before 10:00AM. We had to work really fast to make this snowman.

While I was scrapbooking, Greg took the kids outside to play in the snow today. He got some cute pictures. The rest of the pictures I'll post on Snapfish tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

I lost my battery to my camera and I didn't find it until after they got home from school. So needless to say I didn't get any pictures of them all together and I did not get a good one of Austin at all. Poor little fellow sat in water and dropped his pants outside. Thank goodness I had a pair of pants and underwear in the car. Do you know how hard it is to get eager kids inside after they've been waiting all day to play outside?

Anyway, I'm really glad I got this picture of Mason. I rarely have a good picture of him. I'll have to blow it up and scrap it.

Making Valentines

The kids made their Valentine's Day Cards. They turned out really cute. They had hearts and sprinkles on them and only a few footprints. :)

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Why is it always Austin that I have the craziest stories about? You know when they were first born I "tried" to keep 3 journals of the cute things they would do. Mason and Ashley always had something written in their books. And I felt so bad because Austin would have nothing written down. Well he sure is making up for it now.

Today Austin stubbed his toe. It wasn't bad AT ALL! But he came running into the Kitchen saying:

I hurt my toe... I hurt my big toe again....I NEED blood.
Greg: Honey, you don't need blood.
Austin: Yes I do....take me to Red Cross and get me some blood.

Ok so that in itself is funny....but to hear him say it you would have been rolling on the floor. He says blood like this.... Bluuuud.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Me: Austin you need to go pee pee on the potty.
Austin: I already did last year.
Me: {{{ laughing}}}
Austin: I did last year when I was a baby... I did last year when I was a CUTE baby.
Me {{{laughing}}}


Ashley: Mommy, I want my coke
me: ok
Ashley starts to giggle: I mean my Dr. Pepper, did you hear me? I said coke.
Me: You know what, in the south people call Dr.Pepper coke.


We were in Target yesterday and Asutin saw all the Thomas the engine stuff and wanted it ALL.
Austin: I want all of the Thomas stuff.
Me: Well you will need to ask for it for your birthday.
Austin: NO...I want to ask for it for Groundhog's Day

Today we had the same conversation and this time he said, "No...I want it for Tuesday".

My Mom got me this really comfy throw from Kohls. I just love it and it keeps me warm! Well Mason insists that it is his and he carries it all over the house.

Me: Mason where is my blanket?
Mason: This is MY blanket.
Me: no it's MY blanket.
Mason: No, it's my blanket that Gramma MADE for me.
Me: No, it's my blanket that Gramma bought for me for Christmas.
Mason: No, Gramma made it for me for Christmas.

Needless to say, My Mom picked up another one for me today. :)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It's ringing...who will get it?

I think my MIL is one of the few people who realizes the telephone is a convenience. I on the otherhand and I suspect many of you jump when it rings. Have you ever been where you were just about to sit on the toilet and the phone rings? What do you do? Ignore the phone and do your business or scurry to the phone pulling up your pants as you run to get it before it stops ringing?

Why is it such a NEED to grab the phone? If it is important they will leave a message or call back right? So I'm just curious how many of you feel the telephone is just a convenience and you can let it ring and ring if it is not convenient for you to get it? Or how many of you jump to get the phone before the 3rd ring?