Friday, April 14, 2006

Prescription for Shoes

Well it's confirmed, I have heel spurs on both feet. So I HAD to go buy some new shoes. :)
My doctor looked at my tennis shoes and said my feet were touching the ground in them.

So I bought the ever popular Crocs. They are not so bad. I got black because they would go with more things. Although, I think they are hot. I don't like hot feet. And I bought some very supportive sneakers.

We are still on the "NT" theme. So we did fingerprints. And when I get the family room clean then I will get out the paints. (I'm hoping that is today.)

Tomorrow we go on an Easter Egg Hu"nt".

Do you think they are actually learning anything?

1 comment:

Jann Gray said...

Even if they aren't learning anything -- I am!

1. I have learned what a creative and proactive Mommy you are.
2. I have learned that you make considered decisions (you didn't just run out and get those crocs).
3. You are willing to have "messy fun."
4. You tackle more than one project at a time.
5. You have a clean house....

I am impressed. I knew I liked you! Have a Happy Easter