Wednesday, April 12, 2006


No just my triplets coloring easter eggs with their twin friends. They colored eggs today and had a blast. I'd like to say they pai"NT"ed their eggs to stay in my "NT" theme, but they really didn't. I suppose we will just have to paint on Friday. They couldn't get enough eggs. They were coloring them left and right.

This is Braxton. Such a sweet fellow! Very sensitive and just precious!

This is Dalton. This picture really captures his personality. I can't help but laugh at him.

This is MY Aussie. He is smiling because he really wanted to go home and I said if you smile, we will go.

This is my girl Ashley. She said, "Come on let's go so we can eat these eggs."

And this is MY Mason. He was SO proud of his eggs. He was carrying them everywhere!

Then here are the quints again showing off their colored eggs. Aren't they so cute?


Dana said...

I LOVE your quints! They are all so, so adorable!!
Looks like you beat me to usual. I actually wrote a paragraph and then one of the lil' darlings got to the computer and replaced my writing with something from another language. Oh well, off to try again! Dana

Jann Gray said...

Oh they are tooo cute! I wish I could have been there to watch! Thanks for sharing...and for sharing the story of potty funny is that....

....on the grass! *laughing and laughing and laughing* How generous of him.