Thursday, April 20, 2006

A Fun day Out

What a fun day yesterday. I got these matching outfits at the twins/triplets sale. It is very rare to find clothes that match for boys and girls. First we ate a Chic-Fil-A and let them play on the playground. Then we went to the mall.

We rode the carousel once.

And the kids rode the train 3 times. Austin was going nuts! We rode it once then went to a store. I told him we would ride it again, but he was so impatient. When I finally said we could go, he was going as fast as he could to get there. Atleast 30 steps ahead of us. And well one good thing is he knew exactly how to get there. They had a blast!

By the way, since I see Sam Goody in the background of this picture I think I'll bring this up. I have decided never to shop there. Not that I would anyway, but I was VERY offended by a big sign they had up in the front of their store. It said, "nuckinfutz". It just made me so angry.

Anyway, on to better news. Today, Gail (my MIL) and I went shopping for a sofa bed. We found one and I should have it delivered to me in 30 days. How cool! Since I am changing the guest room into Ashley's bedroom, they wanted to get us this couch so they would have a place to sleep when they came to visit. Thank you Steve and Gail! I'm very excited!

What will tomorrow hold? I have no plans but to get my hair trimmed.


Anonymous said...

Were the outfits homemade? It is a shame that I don't (can't) sew!!! They could have lots of matching things. Then again, some say they shouldn't dress alike. BUT this Gramma likes it... and don't grandmothers know better than psychologists?

By the way, I don't know what the term that was offensive to you means. Guess I'm lucky.

God bless Gayle. Hope you all enjoy the sofa. See you next week.

Jann Gray said...

Totally cool outfits...they are ROCKIN'!

You all do the funnest things...thanks for sharing -- I live vicariously through you!