Saturday, May 27, 2006

Permanant marker

Even though I told most of you this story, I've got to get it in writing.

Yesterday, Austin and Ashley found a permanent marker and wrote on a Kitchen chair and up under the Kitchen table. I was able to get off the marker on the chair, but I didn't try too hard to get the marker off the bottom of the table.

They KNOW better than this! I really got onto them and told them, "I'm sorry but I have to give you a spanking". And Austin said, "We were just trying to make it pretty." And I explained, that I'm glad that it's pretty, but it doesn't matter if it is pretty or ugly we are NOT allowed to draw on anything but paper. So after I spanked him about 10-15 minutes later he came up to me and said, "I forgive you Mommy".

Oh THIS child! I couldn't help but laugh!

1 comment:

Renee said...

That is so precious. You're a wonderful mom to have such sweet comments. No wonder God gave you three at a time!