Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Outside fun

We had fun outside yesterday. I stayed in the shade as much as I could and then I moved inside and stayed by the Kitchen window where I could see everything they were doing. This is the first time I let them play outside by themselves. Granted we have a fenced in backyard and I still watched them like a hawk. So to you experienced moms...When did you let your children play outside by themselves?

Austin just loves the water. He would jump in it and get his hair wet and just had a great time.

Mason did not like getting wet. He did
everything he could to walk around the water. He was so upset that his pants (swim trunks) got wet. He liked playing with the water just not in it. In this picture he is happy because he is not getting wet but spraying it at Ashley.

Ashley had a fun time too. But she mainly liked to pick it up and spray everyone else including me. I put on a cute "Memorial Day" looking bathing suit on her, but she would have nothing to do with it. She had to have this one on.

Today we are back to our normal routine. I just got them dressed for the day (2:00PM) and I'm still in my nightshirt. I've tried to start several things, laundry, dishes, picking up toys and I keep getting distracted. I'm surprised they haven't come up here while I was working on this blog. Oh here they come!

So now I need to go get dressed and try to get something done before we go pick up Daddy at work and go to 99 cent Chic-Fil-a. Talk to y'all soon.


Jann Gray said...

Oh how cute....love the water pics...know I will be seeing them on one of your wonderful layouts soon!

Had so much fun with you this weekend. Glad you are my friend...I mean that!

Anonymous said...

It depends on the child,doesn't everything? Since you have three, it probably wouldn't be wise to leave them more than a couple of minutes...and remember time gets away from you very quickly.
They may not get out of the yard; but someone could get in there.

When John was about 2 1/2, I left him playing on the back deck. I looked out every few minutes, I thought...from the kitchen. But then, all of a sudden, he was GONE! I was yelling for him. I was afraid because I had seen fishermen earlier. I was not afraid he would go to the lake. The neighbor across the street joined in the search. I went one way and he went the other. He found him down at the boat house! He had followed a dog down there. When I asked him how he got away so fast, he said, "I ran."

TracieClaiborne said...

I have never left Caroline outside by herself (she's almost 6) but we don't have a fenced in yard. Also...I can't see her playset from the house because our garage is behind our house and it's behind that. I don't think I would ever leave her, even if we had a tiny fenced in yard. I'm just too paranoid. I always see things on the news about kids getting snatched and I think, "where were the parents????" Ya know?