Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Catching Up!

Well I'm tired....but what else is new? Actually, I have my sleep study scheduled for next Wednesday, May 10th. I can't wait! I hope they call and have an opening this week, I sure would like to start getting some good quality sleep and be rested for the BIG SCRAPBOOKING RETREAT this weekend.

Alot has been going on since I last posted. My Mom came to visit onThursday. We went to the CK scrapbook convention on Friday. Here is a picture of us hanging out with Lisa B. We had a great time getting ideas and buying way too many things. On Saturday she wasn't feeling well so she left to go home early. Please pray for her, she is not sure why she has pain in her face. She thought it was an abcess tooth, but the dentist is saying that that is not the reason she is having the pain in her face. I'm sure it is part of it and I hope when it is fixed the pain will go away.

She had brought the kids birdhouses to paint while she was here. So before she left on Saturday, even before breakfast I got out the paint so they could paint their houses. We didn't get any pictures. HA! (More like we got 500.) With both of us being shutterbugs, it was ridiculous how many pictures we actually got.

Saturday, we went to a fabulous wedding! We are so excited to finally see our friends get married. He is 52 and this is his first marriage. The place was packed! He is a cinematographer, so when the preacher presented them as Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pleasant then we heard the beginning (oh shoot, I don't know what it is called). When you go to a movie and you hear the music go from one ear to the next. Well that's what they played. The kids fell asleep during the music and then we woke them up for cake. They were one of the highlights after the wedding was over. We sat there while everyone exited and commented on them. Well they do look awfully cute!

We had another big day on Sunday (as usual). At church they had the baby dedication day. I love this day now, 5 years ago it was too hard for me to watch. But I cried with joy as all those parents brought their children forward, especially for those who adopted or had a hard time conceiving.

Monday, we had a playdate with Braxton and Dalton. The kids painted and had a great time. I love that Ms. Dana is so crafty. She is a great Mom and friend.

That gets us caught up to today. Are you still reading? Thanks! Today, I took the kids for their interview with a counselor to try to get them into Encore. All 3 of them passed part 1. Now they need to go back on Monday to take a comprehension IQ test for part 2. I don't remember what they each need to get, but I thought it was kind of high. So now I'm nervous. I was VERY pleased to hear Ashley passed the pre-reading test. I wasn't sure if she would. The boys usually outshadow her. All of the kids are above average, which is nice to hear. And I was very pleased to know Austin is well beyond above average. It was hard waiting there while they tested. I was out in the hallway with the 2 that were not testing at the time. It was a long hallway with no pictures, drab walls with a dark reddish looking stripe and a table with 3 chairs at the end of the hallway. After Ashley tested I asked the lady for some paper so they could draw. That helped a bit with the waiting. But there were no toys, I was quite surprised. Next time I will be ready. All the kids were thirsty and hungry and I had nothing to give them. Needless to say I was drained by the time it was over. She explained some things, but most of it I didn't understand. I think I'll send Greg next time. LOL! Well that's it! Thanks for reading!


Renee said...

Wow, you're so busy! Glad you're mom was able to visit. I'm the only scrapper in my family-well, I have one neice who does it and a sister who dabbles. Considering how huge my family is, it's kinda a bummer.
What is Encore? Could you email me telling me what it is?
Do you have the kids set up for a summer program of activities? I'm trying to get something set for Page, so any ideas would be welcome!

Jann Gray said...

Thanks for the update...I don't see you often enough so this helps! *smile* I am praying you get into your sleep study this week. I have to go in a couple of weeks myself, so I am anxious to hear how it goes for you -- will take my nervousness away to know what to expect.

Your kids are so cute -- awake or asleep....and did I mention BRILLIANT?!?!?! Encore would only be a confirmation.!. *smile*

I know what you mean about baby dedication or mother's day. Honestly, those are the two days I purposely skip church. I just can't handle it...isn't that awful? I really am happy for all the Moms and families -- but I lose focus on them and become VERY self-centered and sad. I wish I could let it go...and just enjoy it for them. Am really going to try this year. *sigh*

Oh well...it makes me so happy to watch you all and I appreciate seeing all the fun things that you are up to. Love you girl.

Anonymous said...

You should send the picture of us with Lisa to Creating Keepsakes. They might publish it.

And thank you,Tammy for the prayers. I think we found the problem. I had a root canal 4 years ago that evidently didn't work. It still was abscessed, only worse. I think that is what caused my trigeminal nerve to get inflamed. I haven't had much pain at all since he pulled the tooth.