Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Would you like some?

Greg had helped Ashley make some more happy spiders. If you are not aware of what a happy spider is... you fold a peice of paper in half, trace around your hand, cut off the thumbs, open it up and decorate it with eyes and a smily face (got this off of Barney). Anyway, Greg helped Ashley make 5 happy spiders tonight. When she was finished she put them into a bowl. Here is the conversation that happened next:

G: Are you making Spider Soup?
A: No, I'm making Spidersghetti
G: Why don't you go tell Mommy that?
A: Mommy, want some spidersghetti?
M: Yummm!
A: Don't really put that in your mouth, that would be YEUUCK!

So anyone want some?

Tonight- I gave Ashley one of her paper spiders in bed with her tonight. I told her if she gets scared to wave the spider in the air and that will make her smile. She's already waved it about 10 times. But so far it's working. I hope she doesn't get out of bed tonight. I'm very tired.

I was going to do the same thing with Austin, but i was going to give him a little flashlight. But he fell asleep before I could give it to him. I really hope he sleeps tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you tried angels for the beds?
Hey, sounds better to me than spiders!