Sunday, August 28, 2005

My little teacher

I love this!

Today in the car we were talking to the kids. And Greg called Ashley a little lady. Austin said she's not a lady she's a great girl. So we tried to explain that lady is another word for a polite woman. Then we tried to explain what a gentleman was. Heres the conversation that followed:

Austin: I don't want to be a genteman. I'm going to be a teacher.
Mommy: Who are you going to teach?
Daddy: Children? teenagers or grownups?
Austin: grown ups
Mommy: What are you going to teach?
Austin: I'm going to teach them letters and numbers.
Daddy: Austin, did you know that I'm a teacher?
Austin: yah, I a teacher and you a teacher too Dad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone had better tell that boy that his grandmother is a teacher...and she says if he is going to teach, make sure it is something like heart surgery!

After reading your last blogs before bed, I laid in bed for two hours this morning trying to think of ways to occupy those brains and keep them, if not constructive, at least not destructive.

What would happen if you let them try to ride their little vehicles in the fenced in back yard?

Maybe they could play tag. You could give one a Rubbermaid container of pretend something and the other two could try to tap it.

Have you taught them cup and spoon measurements?

You could use a permanent marker to mark 1 c., 3/4 c., 1/2 cup, etc. on the measuring cups. Let them work with them in the sand box. Better do it today. You'll be getting the hurricane results tomorrow.

Better be thinking up an activity for Tuesday. Consult the Multiple Moms.