Sunday, August 14, 2005

Ashley's night time routine

Ashley does this many nights. It makes me laugh...

When Ashley wakes up in the middle of the night (typically around 3:00) she comes to our door. She stands there one or two minutes to make sure we are sleeping. (that's an odd feeling to know she is just staring at you, but you don't want to move.) Then she closes our door. She goes into the bathroom and into her room and collects STUFF. She brings it to the hallway in front of our door and at the top of the steps. (yes, we have the gate up!) Then she plays for 5 to 10 minutes. Then she gets up, opens our door and then falls asleep right there in the hallway. It makes me laugh because she has this routine. Anyway, I stay awake listening to her until she falls asleep making sure she doesn't get hurt. But I don't dare move or she will be up in bed with us or wanting me to go downstairs with her, etc.

I wonder why she closes our door. Does she think she is going to get in trouble? or does she not want to bother us? But after she is done playing she opens the door again. funny huh?

Greg never hears it. He usually is a sound sleeper.

1 comment:

Sherri said...

This is hilarious!!! Do you have a video camera you could set up on night shot and use a remote control to video this routine? That would just be the best thing!!