Sunday, August 14, 2005

Getting Caught Up!

Wow what an incredibly busy week! I think I can breathe now.

Tuesday: I took Ashley to the orthopedic doctor about her knee. They found nothing wrong. I am supposed to give her motrin every day for 2 weeks. If she complains of her knee hurting during this time and 2 weeks following I am supposed to document when and where she says she hurts. I think she is getting better and that we won't need to go back, but if she does continue to hurt we will have to take her back for blood tests. The doctor is concerned that it continues to be the same knee.

Wednesday: I took the kids to church only to find out that this was family night and they didn't have classes. With the way the kids have been acting (mainly crazy Austin) I was so looking forward to getting away from them for an hour. But I picked up some Wendy's food and we ate in a classroom. On our way out to the car... I slightly triped over a hole or something on the ground. Austin said, "Careful Chelle". I said, "thank you Austin but you call me Mommy." How sweet and what stinker at the same time.

Thursday: I stopped giving Austin the antihistimine. It was causing him to be hateful! He had to continue with the steroid. I could live with him being crazy, but the antihistimine made him tired too. crazy + tired = hateful! One second he was whining to be in my lap and the next second he was kicking me to get away from him. I just couldn't handle that. He acted better today. Or maybe it is because I took the kids to Star's house so I could work on the consignment sale stuff. I truly needed the break- This has been an awful week! (Obviously I stopped the potty training temporarily b/c I was going insane.)

Friday: Greg got the day off from work to help me watch the kids and help me set up at the sale. I'm so glad that he did. Our neighbor across the street, Bruce, helped us take 2 car loads of stuff to the sale and set up.

Saturday: I had to work the sale so Greg watched the kids. Greg said he had a good day with them. Greg asked the kids what they wanted to do when they grow up and Austin said, I want to play the piano. So the other 2 of course said they wanted to play the piano too.
I have a good estimate about how much I made at the sale... I made $700. Wahoooo!!!! So tonight we celebrated by going to Outback. YUM! (my favorite!) Austin was a bit hyper, but all in all it was great! It's so funny how many people tell us how well behaved our children are. We are always so amazed by this!

Sunday: Today- I had to teach in the kids' class today and they were SO bad! I was so embarrassed. One lady commented that it 'really wasn't fair to me or the kids that I teach their class' (eyeroll) That was her nice way of saying your kids are acting terrible! And another lady just kept giving me looks like aren't you going to do something. I held up during the class, but I cried when I got out of there! I felt like such a bad Mom today. Austin fought with another little boy over a toy that Austin plays with every Sunday. Austin flipped out! I finally asked one of the helpers to take Austin out of the room. Are the steroids still in his system?


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