Tuesday, June 13, 2006

VBS and stuff

Ahhhhh! The second week of VBS. I purposely didn't tell Greg I was taking them to another VBS until after they went the first day. He is a big time worrier! And I wanted to be prepared to answer his questions. So I checked it out thouroughly. I LOVE THIS VBS! They are so organized and keep the kids going to different activities. The kids just loved it and came home talking all about it. The theme is around the world. And yesterday, they learned about Honduras and they made these cute hats and some maracas.

We met Greg for lunch and I told him and he growled at me. ***So Greg have you figured out yet that I'm looking for VBS's all over town to keep them busy all summer?*** How can you say no to children learning about God everyday?

Today I went for my annual. Got undressed and on the table when the nurse came in and said my doctor had to perform a c-section. So I could wait around for at least an hour waiting for her to come back or reschedule. So I rescheduled. UGH! Ok so I just wrote that and now I'm nervous about who might be reading this. Someone just linked me to their blog because I have triplets. So who is out there lurking?

Anyway, you can see that I cared enough to go back and erase it (ha!).

So this morning Mason came up to me like this:

After he showed me, he said, "ok ok I'll put them on the right way." He's so cute!

After school today we went to Dana's house for the kids to swim in the little pool. My battery was dead on my camera. UGH! Doris and Gabriel came too. The kids had fun splashing each other. Well except for Mason who does NOT like to get his face wet at all. Braxton and Ashley went off together to water plants.

When I was undressing Ashley to put her regular clothes on, the boys noticed her. One of the boys said, "you don't have a penis" and Ashley insisted that she did and tried to show them. Oh GEEESH! I told Ashley she did not have a penis. I refrained from using the "v" word this time, because I didn't know if the other mom's were ready to get into that conversation. I guess I'm going to have to be a little more discrete while dressing her now.

Have a good day! I'll try to check in tomorrow.


Renee said...

Ok, no more reading this before morning coffee...I had to REREAD your comment twice before I realized that YOU were not in NEED of a C-Section, but that that was the reason your DR had to cancel. I was this close to getting off line and calling you immediately to ask why I didn't know sooner!
I'm a dork!

Jann Gray said...

What fun a group of 5 boys and one girl can make!

My friend, who is a nanny, has a young one who is trying to use correct words for things is convinced that the "v" word is bachina...and is a country with millions of people in it. to him they are one and the same.!

Love you friend...keep on keeping on! (hate the annuals....but am in HUGE favor of them).

Jill LaFaye said...

Let's see if this comment will post, I have tried 3 times already!!!! Anyway I think VBS is so healthy for children..it is a great social gathering where they learn so much and the children always love it!! Oh and it cracks me up that your little girl was arguing the fact that she did too have a penis!! A great story to tell when she is older. Have A Great Day!! Talk Soon.

Hollye said...

That is too funny about not telling Daddy about VBS until AFTER the fact. Sounds like something I would do. And if I had 3 at home, I WOULD do it! I can't wait until Kennedy is old enough to do all those fun things!