Tuesday, June 20, 2006


You know how sometimes you lose or just can't find socks and you wonder where they went? Did the dryer eat them? I have been running out of socks and knowing I have more. I thought for sure I had done the laundry with socks in them, but laundry is a never ending cycle and I thought they just must be in the load I haven't done.

Well I found them!! My kids have taken their socks and my socks and Greg's socks and put them into Kroger grocery bags and they were stuffed away in their toys.

YEP!!! 68 pairs of socks and several single socks (not counted). That is over 136 socks that I matched and put away.

How could someone miss 68 pairs of socks? They've been gone for months. I don't know!

This morning Ashley wanted Poppyseed chicken for breakfast. Well I told her we didn't have any poppyseed chicken and she said, "Well put it on the list".
She knows I keep a grocery list running on the refrigerator. I thought that was cute.


Jennifer Fleming said...

wow 68 pair! that is a lot of socks. what were they doing with them?

Anonymous said...

With six kids, I doubt if we ever had 68 pairs of socks in the house at one time.

I wonder if they rounded them up all at once or just put them there as they found them. And I wonder which little mind came up with that.

Jill LaFaye said...

In their little minds, they probably thought they were helping out somehow and then got bored with the idea and then just put them in their toy box. How funny!
Or maybe they all 3 decided to go on a sock scavenger hunt!
Talk Soon...

Renee said...

Thanks for the morning smiles!
Page knows all about the list too. What great moms we are.

annie said...

Thanks for the morning laugh.
Bill and I needed it!
Have a great day!

Jann Gray said...

I am so grateful for your friendship.

By the way...I have some socks missing...any chance that the triplets snuck over to my house too?!!?!?

Love ya!