Tuesday, June 06, 2006

ahhhh....peace at last

What a day!

This week is VBS at my kid's MDO church. We invited Dalton and Braxton to come too. They are thrilled to be there. This is a picture of them the first day. They did this on their own. We didn't ask them to hold hands. I thought that was so sweet. I think Ashley and Braxton have a thing going on. :) He held her hand at the butterfly place to protect her from the butterflies. And when they walk out the door to go to the car they hold hands. It's so cute. I know Dalton made his move first, but Ashley set him straight right away. Both of them like to be in control---that would never work.

So while the kids played so did their moms! Dana came over and we played around with tiles. I made a few wedding presents.

So when I picked up my kids today, that is when things started going downhill. This was their 2nd day with their new teacher. Last year they did NOT like their teacher at all and it was so hard to get them into the car to get to school. Today, when I went to pick them up Mason had a fit because we were leaving. He wanted me to get his drink out of the car and come back in. So as I was fighting with Mason. I was also telling the others to get in the car. This is where I may have made my fatal mistake. I may have said to Ashley get in the back. OH CRUD! It's Austin's Day today and he gets to sit in the back. So now Austin is yelling at Ashley and Ashley said, Mommy said I could sit here. So then they are yelling at me. I told Ashley I'm sorry but it is Austin's day. I physically have to move her. And this is where she goes BALISTIC! I have never ever seen her this bad before. So she is squirming out of her car seat trying to get her cup on the floor. I reach over and get the cup for her and fought with her to get back into her seat. She throws the cup on the floor, because she wanted to get it herself. This went on for quite awhile. I told her if she didn't get in her seat I would have to spank her. And I had to. So then the story continues....
She finally reaches the cup on her own and then cries for me to open her drink holder tray. I reach back while I'm driving and open it. When I do that I break my nail. It was really irritating so I tried to bite it off. This is where it gets comical. My nail gets stuck in my tooth and it is still atached to my finger. Ashley starts screaming even louder. I thought may be I caught her finger when I opened the tray. So I can't get my finger out of my mouth, driving down the road afraid that now my daughter is hurt and I start to panic. Austin's yelling up to the front..."Mommy don't cry". I can't talk to him because my stupid finger is still stuck in my mouth. Finally I'm able to get it loose. I'm not even sure what happened next. I just know that I've past at least 2 cops and I'm driving faster to get home. They must have known not to mess with a woman who has her finger stuck in her mouth.

I made it home safe. I tried to put Ashley to bed, but she just freaked out. So I sat down to watch Sleeping Beauty with them. Ashley in my right arm leaning on me. Mason on my left arm. And Austin at one point is sitting on my shoulders. Mason fell asleep. But Ash and Aus did not.

Oh but that's not all...(Are you still with me?)

Ashley wanted to paint. She wanted to paint something other than paper, but I didn't have anything else. So she settled for a big piece of paper. I put it on the floor and give her some paints. Well she uses all that paint and then goes and gets the jars of thank goodness Crayola Washable Paint. Austin joins in. (This usually means trouble). I said "DO NOT dump the paint." Austin said, "See, I have a hard time with that" I said, "just use your paint brush and don't dump the paint." Austin, "Well Mom, I just have a hard time with that." So I turn around to see paint dumped on his paper. Big HUGE piles of paint. So what happens next...I'll just let the pictures describe the rest of the story...

Oh I forgot to mention that Ashley finished painting on one side and turned it over to paint on the other side.

And thanks to Dana who is bringing her carpet steam cleaner over tomorrow so I can get the footprints of paint off the steps leading up to the shower.

I had to wake up Mason- and when I do that he is grumpy. So the last 3 hours were just screaming, crying and whining from all three. I fianlly got them all in bed and at 9:00 I had some peace.

Greg had to go to church camp to give a talk...so he didn't get home until just a few minutes ago (10:15PM) He did well until the very end when it turned into a dissaster. Now he's afraid parents are going to be calling the church and he is going to have to defend what he said. Long story but for another day. Poor Greg!


Renee said...

So worth the read! I once had a habit of clicking pens in my mouth (you know the ones that you click to get the pen out). Yeah. I got it stuck on my lip. While driving. Habit broken.
Your kids have such fun

Dana said...

Oh my,oh my, oh my. I am so sorry you had such a stressful day! Oh my...

the parents said...

ours aren't old enough to have stories like that, but we can relate to them acting up and doing things they shouldn't

Sherri said...

oh dear me...after the day I have had, if I had that kind of mess to clean up I think I would just pack my stuff and move out...it sounds easier!!! the fun never ends does it? acutally I do have a big ole mess here to clean up, but since it isn't paint, it can wait until tomorrow!

TracieClaiborne said...

And this is why we don't do paint in this house. LOL! Okay maybe a little every once in a while but on the table only, with me standing over her practically. Oh my word. I don't even see how you get them all dressed at once!

annie said...

Too, too funny!
I laughed out loud while reading!
I do think you should write a script for TV.
What a great sit-com!