Tuesday, March 14, 2006

This and That

LOL! I've gotten on to 2 people who were not keeping up with their blogs. Hmmmmmm....so I guess I better do the same huh?

It's been crazy here, but for the last 3 days the kids have been good. I hope we are turning a corner into better behaviors!

Do you know this handsome little boy? It's Gabriel...Doris' little one. I have him in Bible class and he made me laugh so much on Sunday. I took this picture and he stumbled over his words and said, "pictures....NO MORE" and put his hand out to say stop. I couldn't help but laugh.

Over the weekend I actually was able to scrapbook at home. I haven't done this in a VERY long time. I got 8 pages done all for a baby book for a friend.

Have you ever seen Kindergarten Cop? I'm reminded of that show daily, as my children are facinated with talking and showing their body parts to each other. They made me laugh, because they got very confused with the Prince Charming doll. As Ashley would say, "Prince Charming is a girl because it has a "b"gina. So we had to explain that dolls are not made with boy parts. I asked their teacher today if they talk about it at school. And thankfully she said no. I was relieved since they talk about it all the time here. I'm afraid they are going to educate everyone who comes over.

Cute story...

I gave Austin a poptart last week. And his eyes were so bright and big and he said, "This is the BEST looking poptart I ever saw!!!!!" "And I've seen LOTS of poptarts"

1 comment:

annie said...

I bet you are glad they aren't educating the other children.
You might get some phone calls!
Doris told me that G loves his Sunday School teacher.
Miss Chelle must be wonderful!
Good to see you and the kiddos today.
Too cute!