Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It's ringing...who will get it?

I think my MIL is one of the few people who realizes the telephone is a convenience. I on the otherhand and I suspect many of you jump when it rings. Have you ever been where you were just about to sit on the toilet and the phone rings? What do you do? Ignore the phone and do your business or scurry to the phone pulling up your pants as you run to get it before it stops ringing?

Why is it such a NEED to grab the phone? If it is important they will leave a message or call back right? So I'm just curious how many of you feel the telephone is just a convenience and you can let it ring and ring if it is not convenient for you to get it? Or how many of you jump to get the phone before the 3rd ring?


the parents said...

we're different. the father could just have the phone disconnected. he doesn't care about answering it. unless i'm in the middle of feeding or doing something with the kids, i try to answer as soon as i can.

Anonymous said...

I think you know me. It always makes me mad when the phone rings. I am ALWAYS busy. It only rings 4 times before the machine answers and I can't get to it that quickly. It makes your dad angry that I have that attitude, yet he doesn't run to get the phone himself. Probably because everyone calls him on his cell.

We really don't get that many calls anymore though since the don't call lists.

The strange thing is, I'm always happy to answer and find it's one of you kids or a friend.

Sherri said...

I get the phone if I am not in the middle of something...but if I am in the middle of changing a diaper, showering, on the toilet, washing dishes and all the phones are upstairs, I figure I can call whoever it is when I am done and can get the phone. If someone calls my cell phone first and it is downstairs and I am up...I usually say, well, if it is important they will call the house phone.....
I talk on the phone all of the time, but I won't drop everything to answer it immediately.

annie said...

Isn't that the reason we have answering machines?
I try not to answer it if I am putting Jonathan to bed. It is my one on one time with him that I know i will have every night.
We also don't answer the phone if the whole family is eating dinner together. Such a rarity!

staceykingman said...

No one ever I get excited. I run! You made me laugh. :)