Sunday, February 12, 2006


Why is it always Austin that I have the craziest stories about? You know when they were first born I "tried" to keep 3 journals of the cute things they would do. Mason and Ashley always had something written in their books. And I felt so bad because Austin would have nothing written down. Well he sure is making up for it now.

Today Austin stubbed his toe. It wasn't bad AT ALL! But he came running into the Kitchen saying:

I hurt my toe... I hurt my big toe again....I NEED blood.
Greg: Honey, you don't need blood.
Austin: Yes I do....take me to Red Cross and get me some blood.

Ok so that in itself is funny....but to hear him say it you would have been rolling on the floor. He says blood like this.... Bluuuud.

1 comment:

TracieClaiborne said...

Hey girl! I just read all your blog posts that are on this page. Sorry I haven't checked it lately!

Your kids are SO smart! How does he even know what the Red Cross is? My 5.5 year old doesn't! Wow!