Saturday, February 11, 2006


Me: Austin you need to go pee pee on the potty.
Austin: I already did last year.
Me: {{{ laughing}}}
Austin: I did last year when I was a baby... I did last year when I was a CUTE baby.
Me {{{laughing}}}


Ashley: Mommy, I want my coke
me: ok
Ashley starts to giggle: I mean my Dr. Pepper, did you hear me? I said coke.
Me: You know what, in the south people call Dr.Pepper coke.


We were in Target yesterday and Asutin saw all the Thomas the engine stuff and wanted it ALL.
Austin: I want all of the Thomas stuff.
Me: Well you will need to ask for it for your birthday.
Austin: NO...I want to ask for it for Groundhog's Day

Today we had the same conversation and this time he said, "No...I want it for Tuesday".

My Mom got me this really comfy throw from Kohls. I just love it and it keeps me warm! Well Mason insists that it is his and he carries it all over the house.

Me: Mason where is my blanket?
Mason: This is MY blanket.
Me: no it's MY blanket.
Mason: No, it's my blanket that Gramma MADE for me.
Me: No, it's my blanket that Gramma bought for me for Christmas.
Mason: No, Gramma made it for me for Christmas.

Needless to say, My Mom picked up another one for me today. :)

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