Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wednesday Stuff

Out of the blue Austin told me I was kind and beautiful. Then Greg told me tonight he told Greg the same thing on the way to church. How sweet!

We had a really good day today. Ashley pee peed in the potty ALL DAY long, twice at Chic Fil-A and once at Scrap-It. I think it has come to the point where she will need to visit all the restrooms everywhere we go. Austin did pretty well, but he must enjoy having pee in his underwear. (eyeroll) And Mason... Mason sat on the potty several times today, but he just won't go. He held it all day and finally had an accident around 9:00PM. He is so afraid to go...does anyone know any tricks to get him to go? running water doesn't work and pouring water on him doesn't work either. We have read books to try to get his mind off of it, but nothing.

I finished painting my bathroom today. I was going to write that I am one of the worst painters ever, but it turned out ok. (well better than's nice). My inlaws painted our bedroom and had to leave before the bathroom was complete. Thank you Gayle and Steve for doing all the work you did on it! When I get everything cleaned up with some nice accents I'll take a picture and show you.

Anyway, Mason said something really funny today. We got in the car and he said, "I want to listen to Rock-n-roll." WHERE did he hear that? I figured Daddy must have been saying something to them and I was right. He was explaining to the kids that there is good rock-n-roll and bad rock-n-roll and old rock-n-roll. Ashley said she wanted to listen to Good rock-n-roll and Austin said, "I want to listen to Nasty old Rock-n-roll" Ay Caramba!

Well tomorrow they go back to school (yippeeeeeeee!) and my parents are coming in town. I have several things to do before they get here. If anyone wants to clean with me tomorrow, buzz me on my Yahoo messenger. We can support each other and hopefully get a lot accomplished. Ok if I don't know you please don't buzz me.

1 comment:

TracieClaiborne said...

Oh I am cracking up at your last comment - "if I don't know you, please don't buzz me." For some reason that cracked me up!

By the way - you ARE kind and beautiful!

Your kids are nicer than mine today - she said, "you know how sometimes you need a break from me Mommy? Well I need a break from you too." Well alright!