Monday, January 16, 2006

I've been tagged

I've been tagged by my friend Tracie! (

4 jobs I have worked:
1. Sample girl in grocery stores. I cut up fruit and vegis and let people sample the food. I would get som angry at people who double dipped. Which meant I had to throw the whole container away.
2. Live-in Nanny I still see John and Katie Keyser on their birthdays.
3. Stein Mart- I hated the hours I had to work. But it was fun.
4. Many Banks- (Accounting, Loans, Computer work) These tended to be very stressful jobs. My last job was my favorite and worst job! I quit because I couldn't handle all the work. They had to hire 3 people to take my job.

4 movies I've watched over and over again:

  1. Any of the Older stuff with Steve Martin! (The Man with two Brains, The Jerk)
  2. Usual Suspects
  3. Love the Law movies!!! (A Few Good Men, etc.)
  4. Any Japanes Anime- OH said watched...I slept through those over and over again while my husband rubbed my feet. :)

4 place I have lived:

  1. Akron, Ohio
  2. Westwood, Massachusetts
  3. Nashville, TN
  4. Antioch, TN

4 TV shows I watch:

  1. Alias
  2. The Apprentice
  3. Desperate Housewives
  4. When I can... Without A Trace

4 places I've been on Vacation: (Since I've been married)

  1. Toronto Canada
  2. London England
  3. Biltmore, Oh where is that NC?
  4. Disney World Orlando

4 websites I visit daily:

  1. Sparkpeople I'm mommy2triplet there.
  2. MANY blogs
  3. Regions Bank
  4. my blog

4 Favorite foods:

  1. Outback Filet Mignon (mouth watering as I type)
  2. Ginza ChickenTempura
  3. Pizza Hut Pan Pepperoni Pizza
  4. Blue Bell ice cream

4 places I would like to be right now

  1. Scrap-It scrapbooking
  2. At a Spa- having a massage and facial
  3. Disney World with LOTS of money
  4. Craft girls night out

And 4 Bloggers I'm tagging

I don't know anyone who hasn't been tagged already.


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