Monday, January 23, 2006

Austin again.

Me: I'm flustered.
Austin: flustered?
M: Yep! Flustered!
A: I'm flustered too.
M: Oh yah? Why are you flustered?
(He thinks for a minute)
A: Because you are wearing me out.


Me: No Austin don't rip pages from a book!
(drops book on floor)
Me: Austin we don't treat books that way!
A: We don't???
Me: NO!
A: Why?
M: Because it's rude.
A: OOOOOH! I don't want to be rude.


Renee said...

Hey Chelle-it's Renee. I was coming back to post on the "candy" post, but couldn't find it. You're layouts look awesome-you get the cutest family shots. I've only gotten one good pic of Page and Jack. You'll have to share your secrets. Hope to see you soon. R.

Anonymous said...

I know the secret. If you take 1000 pictures a day, you will probably get a few good ones!