Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Today I made playdough. I have a really great recipe for it (if anyone wants it). We had such a great time. So before I tell you, can you guess who made what?

Ashley likes to make little balls and collect them in a container, stealing the others playdough when they are not looking. (hoarding rather than what she made is more like Ashley)

Mason- Can you guess? He made cakes and cookies. (Food- that's my Mason!)

Austin- Can you guess? He made letters with letter cookie cutters. (And Letters- Exactly like Austin!)

Well, when I was making letters with Austin. He made 3 letters (IAM). He asked me what it said. I told him it wasn't a word and I took away the I. Then he said AM. I said that's right. So then he said, lets write SAM. I asked him what letter we needed and he said ssssssss S. So he wrote the word SAM. Then he wanted to write Rebecca, Daddy and Austin Doyle. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who is Rebecca? Who is Doyle?
I'm not surprised, but just a little disappointed he didn't want to spell Gramma!

Looks like you did a good job of keepimg them out of trouble today. Congratulations.