Friday, August 26, 2005

Ok! I think I need some prayers. It has not gotten better today. And I'm sure it's because I didn't send out that chain letter to 10 people within 5 minutes. :)

Anyway, I just HAD to get out of the house (plus I truly needed groceries). So I took the kids to WalMart. Have you tried to wheel 2 carts around? Well that's beside the point. While we were there Ashley had diarrhea. It was pouring outside and I had a load of groceries. I thought she had just a regular BM and I was hoping to finish up my shopping and then get out to the car and then change her. But it soon became a nightmare. She starts standing up in the front of the cart and you can imagine....It had gone through her clothes, running everywhere. She didn't want to sit back down. So I have to buy diapers, wipes and a new outfit for Ashley (good thing I wasn't at Sax 5th Avenue or some other expensive clothing store). Then trying to get them all in the bathroom at Walmart and clean up this mess. UGH!

Alright let's think of the positives:

1. I remembered to put my belt on so my pants didn't fall down
2. A lady at McDonald's commented on how good my children were behaving (I get this all the time and I think if my kids are behaving how do other kids act.) But hey, it's a compliment and I'll take that today
3. I get to go out tonight. And I might get to sneak in a little scrapbooking.
4. The rain stopped in time for me to bring the kids inside and the groceries too.
5. It could have been all 3 with diarrhea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That last comment was from me. My computer automatically signs my name September (from the Opinions R US blogsite) unless I catch it.