Friday, October 14, 2005

3 ring circus

Good Grief!

I got the kids dressed up so cute today, hoping that we would go by some pumpkins or Fall display. But it didn't happen- I didn't even snap one picture.

Today I took the kids to Kroger. They are remodeling my Kroger. I have decided to not go back until they are finished and then I will have to go alone to relearn the store. I was so aggrivated. What should have taken an hour took 2 1/2 hours. I went back and forth in that store probably 10 times. It was past the kids nap time and they began to show it. I had 2 of those BIG car carts, pushing one and pulling the other. But near the end Ashley freaked out and wanted to be held. Yah right!? She was standing up in the cart and everything. Finally I put her on the floor to walk and she did much better.

THEN at naptime, Austin and Ashley did NOT take a nap. Instead they decided to empty all the drawers in their room. They had clothes piled up in their beds, all over the floor.
Well looking on the bright side....I really needed to get out the clothes that don't fit them anymore.

Tonight Ashley was a basketcase! She threw her food at dinner time. And she screamed and cried at everything. How do I get this child to take a nap? She is so hateful when she doesn't take one.

When Austin is really tired he gets even more HYPER. So I was laying on the bed with a big ol' headache and Austin came to tell me goodnight. It was like he was jumping on a trampoline, but on top of me. And he was saying very energetically, "I'm So tired!"

I'm very thankful, Greg was home to help me tonight! He was able to give them a bath while I cleaned up their room. And put them to bed while I laid on the bed, waiting for the Advil to kick in.

Now the only one who had a nap (Mason) is awake and is calling for me............ adios for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you would like more children?
Not today, I bet.