Sunday, May 14, 2006

Electric Toothbrush

So if you found your electric toothbrush on and wet would you:

A) Rinse it off real well and put it back in the drawer.

B) Try to sterolize it thinking it might have been in your child's mouth.

C) Throw it away and buy a new one, because who knows where it has been. It may have fallen in the toilet, been in the dog's mouth or used to clean the grime off the floor.

Yes, that happened and I didn't take any chances with three 3 year olds. Luckly I went to the store and was able to pick one up before I needed to use it again.


Anonymous said...

Since you are so picky (LOL) I hope you put it in a safe place.

Jennifer Fleming said...

Can you just get new heads for it?

Anonymous said...

that is too funny! thanks for the laugh:)

Jann Gray said...

You totally crack me addition to making EXCELLENT decisions! *smile*

I can't wait to hear how you do on your machine.....I am so excited for you!